“Way to Future Profession” – Equipment of the classroom for the girls’ training in sewing and design in school N.45, Lviv

DSC00010The money was sponsored by the clubs of Region 2 Denmark, club of Frankenthal, Germany, club of Lviv, Ukraine






Lviv secondary school No. 45 has been functioning since 1977. More than 1,100 pupils of more than 20 nationalities study in it. 600 of them are girls. 85 teachers work in the school.
The school has maintained traditions of training girls for future family, social and professional life. The aim is to develop a harmonious, self-consistent personality ready for active life.
The school programme contains a complex of activities for manual training. The girls’ programme of training includes: clothes sewing and repairing, Ukrainian embroidery, cooking, home economics, personal appearance culture, design and technology.
The girls’ pieces of work participate in many competitions and exhibitions of children’s creative activities and receive awards.